🎶“I don’t care if Monday’s blue
Tuesday’s gray and Wednesday too
Thursday I don’t care about you
It’s Friday I’m in love” 🎶
what a great day it promises to be! I can hardly wait until the moment I’ll be making these yummies again today😍☺️. My friend Kevin @coastalgrillin made some mind blowing Maple cinnamon pecan bars a few weeks ago and when I saw how marvellous they look I couldn’t stop thinking of them☺️☺️. I made them the next morning after dreaming of them through the night, and then I made them again a few days after that. And to be honest since than I was looking forward to eat them again🤩😋

If my dear friends you are looking for an ideal, phenomenal weekend dessert, a dessert that will make your taste buds incredibly happy, dessert that will put a huge smile on your face, dessert that you’d eat until the last crumb and make your heart sing, look no further😄👍🏻! That’s the one! You’ll be hooked!
Credit goes to Laura @waystomyheart, and you have to trust me on this, her recipe a MUST to make!

All for today, you can find me in the kitchen baking.
Have a beautiful day and weekend my fiends ♥️♥️