Happy Friday friends.
First of all I would like to say a humongous thank you to each and everyone one of you who left incredible comments , showed me your love and support to my previous post! I felt incredibly overwhelmed and emotional, you guys left me speechless, I truly couldn’t wish for better and more wonderful friends.

The cake I am showing you today, perhaps is not super creative, but it doesn’t mean it is less special. In fact it is a very special cake, this cake was baked for my one and only, the love of my life, my most incredible husband who’s birthday we celebrated at the beginning of the week.

He loves my chocolate cakes, and he really doesn’t mind having it for any occasion there is. As per his special request I baked this chocolate cake with white chocolate and cream cheese frosting, layered with homemade caramel and mix of nuts. I wanted to create a clean look with no decoration overload and made caramelized hazelnut drops, which hint as to what’s hidden inside the cake, and finished with a chocolate drip that was specifically requested by the birthday boy.

I hope everyone is doing well, have a lovely and sunny weekend my friends, lots of love.